Now lets just be frank here.
To be honest, learning JavaScript is essential to create a good website, and there is a lot to learn.
Although it would be great to be an expert in everything, it’s not necessary.
I decided to take you through my ultimate study plan in how I learned JavaScript in less than 6 weeks while working a fulltime job. I will give you a brief summary of my weekly goals that I tried to hit.
This is how I structured my learning program.
Week 1
Day 1-2: Introduction to JavaScript
As an experienced blog writer, I would like to suggest a rephrased version of your text while checking for any possible grammatical errors.
The Udemy course titled “The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert!” by Jonas Schmedtmann is highly recommended. I suggest watching sections 1 and 2, which would take approximately 6 hours. However, it may take a little longer if you take notes and need to rewind certain parts.
It’s important to become familiar with the Coding Challenges and allocate about 30 minutes to complete them. Also, if you already have a good grasp of a particular section, feel free to skip certain parts since this is a comprehensive guide that covers a lot of ground.
If you have the opportunity to obtain a copy, I highly recommend the free book “JavaScript for Web Developers” by Nicholas C. Zakas. I suggest starting with Chapters 1-2.
Although you may prefer visual learning, a well-written book can be an excellent resource to help you understand concepts that may not be covered in videos assuming prior knowledge.
Day 3-4: Variables, Data Types, and Operators
For those interested in learning JavaScript, the Udemy course “The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert!” by Jonas Schmedtmann is a great resource. I recommend watching sections 3-4, which cover introductions to functions, objects, arrays, and loops.
Oddly enough, I found loops to be relatively easy to understand. However, it took me a while to grasp the concept of functions. To help supplement your learning, I suggest watching a video by Programming With Mosh on JavaScript Functions, which can be found at the following link:
Additionally, I recommend reading Chapter 3 of the free book “JavaScript for Web Developers” by Nicholas C. Zakas. This book can provide valuable insights to help you better understand the material.
Day 5-6: Control Flow and Functions
Udemy Course: “The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert!” by Jonas Schmedtmann
Watch sections 5-6
I suggest watching sections 5-6, which are dependent on your skill level.
If you’re an absolute beginner, it’s extremely helpful, but if you’re already proficient with your Text Editor, you may skip section 5.
Additionally, following the Road Map provided can help shorten your learning time by at least 20 hours, and you can always revisit and rewatch what you may have skipped.
Chapters 4 and 5 of “JavaScript for Web Developers” by Nicholas C. Zakas cover working with built-in objects and constructors, as well as understanding regular expressions and pattern matching.
Here are a few projects that I found helpful and recommend you try out. Feel free to search for other projects on YouTube, and if you find a good one for beginners or intermediates, please share it in the comments below so that I can suggest it to my audience.
One project that you can try is the Todoist Clone, a simple task management app that allows you to add, edit, and delete tasks. You can practice working with forms and data storage by cloning this website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Another project you can try is the Netflix Clone, a popular streaming service with a modern design. You can clone the Netflix website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to practice creating a responsive website layout and working with images and videos.
If you’re interested in creating a search interface and working with maps, you can try cloning the Yelp website, a platform that allows users to find and review local businesses. You can also create a responsive website layout and work with text and images by cloning the Medium website, a clean and simple blogging platform.
Finally, the Hacker News Clone project can help you practice working with lists and user interactions. Hacker News is a website that features user-submitted news stories and discussions.
Remember that these projects are just examples, and you can choose any website that interests you and that you feel is within your skill level.
Looping the Wrap Up
In programming, repeating the same code can be a hassle, and that’s where loops come in handy.
As only week one has been presented, so not to seem repetitive, but it’s crucial to stick with it and find your motivation.
Take short breaks to stay fresh and focused, and if you need help, don’t hesitate to ask.
I faced lots of difficulties while learning JavaScript but overcame them by finding the right teacher and staying motivated.
comment below if this was at all helpful!